Exhibition Alexandra Uccusic DAME & BIRD 6 – 11 September 2022 Gallery Frank 1010 Vienna, Himmelpfortgasse 12
Solo ExhibitionAlexandra UccusicMysterious WorldsHighlights from the Oeuvre as Pigment Prints District Museum Penzing (Bezirkmuseum Penzing)1140 Vienna, Penzinger Straße 59 November 2020 until January 2021. Information about the
Participation in the Exhibition„Austriamentis Collection1 2020“Museo Casa Manno, Alghero, SardegnaOctober 2020Curator: Valentina PireddaPhoto: Mauro Porcu
Exhibition ENJOY! Paintings, drawings and photographyAlexandra Uccusic | Katja Uccusic-Indra | Natascha Uccusic | Andreas J. HirschArtist group October | raum für kunst+alltagskultur | Vienna
Exhibition Alexandra Uccusic ORNAMENT & DELIGHT October 2019 Curator: Andreas J. Hirsch – raum für kunst+alltagskultur, Vienna
Exhibition Alexandra Uccusic UNRULY LIVINGROOM-SOCIETY November 2018 until January 2019 deli bluem, Vienna
Exhibition Alexandra Uccusic THE WHISPERING OF THE SNIPES It is not Flowers Only Who Enjoy Going to the Museum August until September 2018 bluem im museum at the Austrian Museum of Folk Art, Vienna
Planet cats, planet birds, planet fish and other strange creatures met in March 2018 at this exhibtion at the VHS Landstraße in Vienna.
Alexandra Uccusic presented her series “Strani Uccelli (Strange Birds)” in Italy as well as in Austria: 2016 at Galleria Cult in Alghero in Sardegna and 2017 at the Sandpeck Gallery in Vienna. Valentina Piredda curated the exhibition and published a catalogue in the edition of Galleria Cult.
Repeatedly Florian Featherlight is a guest in different schools: Alexandra Uccusic and Andreas J. Hirsch enjoy reading from their book for young audiences at Primary Schools (in German only).